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6 Types of Exercises to Help Relieve Seasonal Allergies

6 Types of Exercises to Help Relieve Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, are often confused with perennial allergies. Although they share a few symptoms, they are entirely different. Seasonal allergies are usually triggered by weeds, pollens, trees, and grasses and usually happen in certain seasons, such as autumn and summer. Meanwhile, perennial allergies are caused by allergens such as certain foods or medications, which cause allergic reactions all year round.

When your seasonal allergies get triggered, it can significantly affect your routine, especially working out during the other seasons. Fortunately, you can still do many things while you’re suffering from allergies.

To help you, here are six exercises you can look into.

Light Jog

If you’re highly committed to your jogging routine, you should instead consider the duration and intensity of your jog. Since you’ll be going out for a run, you become more susceptible to your seasonal allergens. Thus, before you go out, consider taking your medications for allergies first. However, you must first visit your healthcare provider to ensure it’s safe.

Remember that you must still minimize exposure to your possible allergens despite drinking your prescription. Avoid staying out too late and cut off some time from your usual daily jog.


If the change in season means allergies, it might also mean a change of routine. With seasonal allergies, staying indoors as much as possible is best to lessen the symptoms and prevent the allergens from triggering your disease.

Yoga involves breathing techniques, balance, and meditation principles to perform a routine completely. This exercise can help you improve your flexibility and relieve your back pains. Other studies also provided that yoga has several benefits for your heart, like reducing body-wide inflammation and stress levels.


If you prefer something more cardio-focused, you can opt for swimming. However, backyard swimming pools are usually outdoors, which can be bad news. The next best thing you can do is drive to a nearby in-house public pool.

An indoor pool offers humid air that is easy on your lungs and helps relieve sinuses. Thus, while you complete your cardio, you can also breathe well while swimming. Moreover, swimming in an indoor pool allows you to swim around and have fun with your friends or family.


If yoga is not up to your liking and swimming is a bit much, consider doing pilates. These two are both low-impact exercises that also mainly focus on your breathing. However, yoga adopts a position, holds it in place, and flows it into a different position. Meanwhile, pilates will also challenge your core by moving your limbs. Still, both exercises help increase flexibility and strength.

Moreover, pilates can help reduce your allergy symptoms, such as inflammation, and also decrease stress levels. It’s good exercise for any beginner. You can easily modify a routine or program to fit you.

Jumping Rope

For a more enjoyable way of exercising, a jumping rope can help you. You can perform jumping rope inside your house, so you don’t need to go outside. This exercise is very versatile, and you can do this to warm up first before starting your other exercise routines.

Jumping rope only needs the required rope for the exercise and space to perform the routine. Moreover, you have complete control of your pace. You can jump rope at a steady and slow pace for a low-impact exercise. However, if you prefer higher-intensity jump ropes, then consider techniques like double-unders or high knees.

Keep in mind that exercises like jumping rope may not entirely cure seasonal allergies. But, it can help relieve symptoms and help your internal systems in regulating better despite your allergies.


As mentioned, not all exercises can cure your seasonal allergies, but it can alleviate your symptoms. The same is true for dancing, and it’s the perfect solution if you prefer a less intense but still enjoyable exercise. In case you may not know, dancing combines aerobic and weight-bearing exercises. You’ll be able to get various benefits, mentally and physically. It helps improve your flexibility, reduces your stress, and helps you lose weight.

If you’re planning to focus solely on aerobics but also want to dance, you can enjoy aerobic dancing. In this activity, you’ll enjoy a cardiovascular workout set to music with three popular types.

Final Thoughts

You can create your seasonal routine by looking through this list. Above mentioned exercises are great workouts if you can’t stay outside due to seasonal allergies. You don’t have to be discouraged about it. Instead, take time to formulate your plan for the new season. Consistency is the key to a great routine, and your allergies shouldn’t stop you from achieving your  fitness goal.

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