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Are Multivitamins Really Necessary?

Are Multivitamins Really Necessary?

Every year, we’re being told to consume multivitamins to supplement a healthy diet and keep us healthy. However, most people don’t understand why they’re taking these tablets with dinner and whether it’s having a positive impact. With this, it’s important to ask the question of whether multivitamins are really necessary.

What are Multivitamins?

As the name suggests, these are dietary supplements that contain various vitamins and minerals. In many countries, the phrase ‘multi vitamin’ doesn’t have set regulations which means that each manufacturer tends to produce something unique. The ingredients inside one multivitamin product can be completely different from what you might find in another.

Furthermore, the popularity of multivitamins means that they’re now available in various forms. As well as chewable versions for children, you’ll find multivitamins as tablets, liquids, capsules, and more. Although it’s important to read the instructions on your multivitamins, most suggest consuming once or twice per day.

In terms of the actual ingredients, you’re likely to find iodine, selenium, calcium, potassium, beta carotene, iron, borate, magnesium, manganese, and a host of vitamins. This includes:

Do I Need Multivitamins?

Over the years, scientists have studied multivitamins in much detail. Although their effects on cancer, heart disease, and some other major health conditions have been considered negligible, there are links between multivitamins and eye health, brain function, and overall health.

Multivitamins are considered a supplement, and they’re therefore designed to supplement a diet and provide people with what they’re missing in their diet. If your diet doesn’t contain enough vitamins and iron, it makes sense to choose a multivitamin to boost this level artificially. Invest in your body with quality multivitamins, and myDNA nutrition and fitness plans. Between the fitness plan, and the multivitamin, you will be feeling better than ever before you know it.

The Problem?

One of the biggest problems with multivitamins is that people take them blindly without considering their own diet. For instance, older generations are likely to need more vitamin D, vitamin B12, and calcium. Likewise, B12 is needed for vegans and vegetarians since this is an ingredient found in animal foods. You might also lack vitamin D, iron, calcium, zinc, and other minerals when eating a plant-based diet.

Furthermore, most people don’t consider something even more important when choosing multivitamins – genetics. As well as body shape, character, and height, you get lots of other things passed down from your parents through genetics. Among these, you might have a particular vitamin deficiency or a health condition that requires you to take a certain type of vitamins to stay healthy.

Are multivitamins really necessary? Some people don’t need any vitamins because they get everything they need from their diet. For others, they don’t get everything from their diet and they’re already starting at a disadvantage because of their genetics. With this in mind, we recommend working with a fantastic genetics company since they will run tests and assess what nutrients and exercise you really need to stay healthy.

Sadly, many people around the world struggle to lose weight or meet their exercise goals. They eat healthily and introduce a balanced lifestyle but still struggle. After trying everything, they eventually speak to a doctor and learn that their genetics are to blame. The one-size-fits-all approach is no longer useful for individuals, and it’s time you learned the vitamins that your body really needs.

Don’t just buy random multivitamins without thinking – speak to a medical professional and look online for personalised vitamin plans. This way, you get what you actually need and finally benefit from multivitamins.

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