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Breaking The Cycle Of Sugar Addition

Breaking The Cycle Of Sugar Addition

While consuming a moderate amount of sugar will not hurt most people, excessive amounts will. Eating foods with too much sugar causes weight gain and fat buildup, and it has been linked to increased risks for heart disease, diabetes, cancer and depression. While some believe sugar gives them energy, sugar actually causes low energy after the initial spike. It can lead to acne, dental problems and accelerate skin aging. And the list goes on ….

Considering all the potential health risks, don’t you think it’s time to conquer your sweet tooth? Breaking the sugar habit not only reduces the risks noted above, but you will overall feel so much better. Beyond changing your diet, there are multiple other actions you can take to reduce your sugar consumption. See the accompanying graphic that lists 9 steps you can take to beat your sugar cravings — and improve your overall health and well-being at the same time.

Graphic created by Complete Nutrition.

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