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Effective Surgical Procedures to Treat GERD

Effective Surgical Procedures to Treat GERD

Individuals who suffer from GERD and associated complications should consult a specialist. If the medications and lifestyle modification are proven ineffective in treating the condition, it is best to opt for a surgical procedure to manage the symptoms. Individuals who are recommended for surgery should visit the general surgeon in Lahore. The specialist will guide the patient regarding the aftercare, advantages, and disadvantages of the surgery.

Purpose of the Surgery

When the person diagnosed with GERD suffers from complications such as inflammation of the esophagus, the specialist recommends surgical options. The inflammation can cause bleeding and ulcers that cause a problem swallowing food. Surgery can help the person manage the symptoms and provide relief to the patient.

Types of Surgeries to Treat GERD

There are various surgical options to treat GERD, such as:

1. Fundoplication

It is the most common surgical procedure to treat GERD. The procedure reinforces and tightens the lower esophageal sphincter. It is an open surgery in which the surgeon makes a long incision. It allows the doctor to have access to the esophagus. The surgery is proven ineffective, and the person does not experience any symptoms for the long term.

Before the surgery, the patient provides family and medical history. Additionally, the patient will have to avoid consuming food a day before the surgery. The medication before the surgery will help cleanse the bowels.

2. Linx Surgery

The surgery uses a device known as Linx to strengthen the sphincter. It is a less invasive surgery, and the patient can recover in a short time. Additionally, the patient feels less pain after the surgery.

3. Bard Endo Cinch System

The procedure uses an endoscope to strengthen the LES. The stitches form pleats in the lower esophageal sphincter. It is not a new treatment and can be costly compared to other surgical options.

4. Stretta Procedure

The surgical procedure uses an endoscope. There is an electrode at the end of the tube which heats the esophageal tissue to create tiny cuts. The cuts help form the scar tissues, that prevent the nerves to respond to acid reflux. The procedure is cheaper as compared to the fundoplication procedure. However, it is a new surgical procedure, and the long-term effectiveness is unknown.

5. Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication

A person who cannot go through fundoplication has to opt for TIF. A device known as EsophyX is inserted, through the mouth of the patient. The procedure helps create folds at the base of the esophagus to reduce the symptoms of GERD. It is a non-invasive surgery that can help provide ease to the patient.

Pros and Cons of Surgery for GERD

The advantages include:

The disadvantages include:

Recovery After the Surgery

People who opt for laparoscopic procedures can return to their normal routine after a week. However, they must take precautionary measures and make relevant changes in their lifestyle to avoid complications.

Individuals who opt for open surgical procedures will have to rest for six to eight weeks before returning to work to avoid infection and other correlated complications.

People who suffer from GERD must consult a specialist, who can guide them regarding the causes and treatment options. If they have to undergo surgery to treat GERD, they can consult a general surgeon in Islamabad. The doctor will provide guidance regarding the cost, recovery procedure, and aftercare of the surgery for a quick and smooth recovery.

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