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Formula or Breast Milk – Which is Better for Your Newborn

Formula or Breast Milk – Which is Better for Your Newborn

When you have a newborn, one of the first things many women do is hop on CMC Gold and purchase cute baby things. While this is a must for most mothers, another thing to consider if you are not breastfeeding is where you’re buying baby formula. One of the biggest struggles has to be what to feed your newborn baby if it’s not mothers breast milk. Now, you can go one of two ways; you can either breastfeed or give the baby formula. But which one is best for the baby? This is also a question new mothers especially have struggled with. Of course, some benefits come from both, but most benefits slide towards the natural milk, though. But it would help if you also looked at the risk in some cases to have an affair gauge. So here’s a summary of which is best for any newborn and under what conditions.

Breast Milk

One of the best traits of breast milk is that kids don’t suffer many infections. This will also help reduce the time the newborn will spend being hospitalized. Some of the infections that kids will avoid thanks to breast milk include

Other than that, there are several benefits that breast milk will carry. Some of them include

The baby will be more inclined to solid food when it comes as they’ll be familiar with the tastes.

There’ll be fewer cases of constipation and diarrhea when the baby feeds on breast milk.


With formula, several benefits come with it as much as breast milk. Some of the benefits that come with it include

Which is Better Formula or Breast Milk?

Each option has its benefits, and you need to be watchful before you choose. The above are benefits that come with either of them. You need to look at what’s convenient for you and the baby in the long run.

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