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How Are CBD Products Made

How Are CBD Products Made

Medical marijuana-based products are taking over the world. They are easy to use, and their effect on the physical and mental state of a person is difficult to overestimate. But how are these best CBD products made? We, at, decided to reveal the manufacturing features of the most popular CBD products. So how does the process of transforming a plant into wholesome edible products, cosmetics, or oil work?

How Are CBD Products Made in Big Companies

Let’s start with the basics. And the basis for any CBD product on the market is, of course, hemp. It is this plant that contains the maximum of cannabinoids, including the famous cannabidiol – aka CBD. But taking the first hemp that comes across will not work: many of its varieties contain not only CBD but also the psychoactive component tetrahydrocannabinol. And it is completely unnecessary in CBD products. Therefore, the first stage of production is a careful selection of hemp strains. Some companies use already bred varieties, others try to make their own selection in order to get a unique and high-quality basis for their products.

After the producers have selected the best strains, they need to be grown. And not just grow but also make sure that hemp gives a good harvest without the introduction of GMOs and pesticides or other chemicals. Since hemp CBD products are used for wellness, they are predominantly grown organically. For us, at Aifory, this is very important.

Once the cannabis has been grown and harvested – buds, leaves, shoots and stems are all in use – they need to be processed into cannabidiol extract. The fact is that even the most popular cannabis varieties contain not only CBD or THC, besides them, plants also contain dozens of other cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, oils. And depending on whether the manufacturer wants to obtain the purest CBD isolate, where there are no other impurities besides CBD, a broad-spectrum extract or a full-spectrum extract, the methods may differ.

What Methods Are Used for Extraction of CBD

There are lots of methods on how to get CBD from raw hemp. Some of them, like Rick Simpson’s method using propane or acetone, is not safe and efficient. Some are still in use like oil-based extraction. But the best and the most resultative and popular are the following:

These two methods help to get the most top-rated clear CBD products. In Aifory, we prefer these two technologies for goods we are offering our customers.

When the extract is done, that’s not the end yet. The next stage is adding it to the final product in a certain dosage and then, testing the result. The most popular CBD products’ manufacturers do not limit their tests only by insiders. They order an independent testing in third-party labs to be sure their products are of the highest quality, efficiency and safety level before selling them.

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