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How to Deal with Chipped or Cracked Teeth?

How to Deal with Chipped or Cracked Teeth?

Our permanent teeth can be damaged in several ways, and the severity of your damage can be mild or extensive, depending on the type of your injury. One of the special types of injury is dental chips or cracks that are not solvable without visiting professional dentists. As a trusted emergency dentist in Ancaster, the best way to deal with dental chips and cracks is to address the pain and protect your teeth until going to the nearest emergency dentist to solve the problem. Please stay with us until the end of this article to learn anything you need to know to avoid further damage.

Best Reactions to Deal with Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Rinsing your mouth with warm water is highly recommended as the first step. Then if your tooth is bleeding, applying pressure by placing a piece of clean cloth over the injured site is so practical. Besides, those with pain and swelling should place a cold compress over the outer side of their cheek. The most important point is that if you find the pieces of your broken teeth, you should wrap them in wet gauze and remember to bring them to your dental appointment.

Relieving the Pain: If your pain continues after rinsing your mouth with warm water and placing a cold compress, you are allowed to take over-the-counter medication but don’t use more than the recommended dosage. Most people believe that applying some clove oil over the injured site is beneficial to reduce your pain.

Protecting Your Mouth Until Visiting Your Dentists: In some cases, where you experience minor chips, covering the injury with dental wax is recommended to keep it from damaging your tongue, but in most severe conditions, visiting emergency dentists should be at the top of your priorities. Flossing around the injured site is recommended to reduce pressure and irritation until you are waiting for your dental appointment.

Damages That Require Immediate Treatments and Those Don’t

Generally, the molars on the lower jaw are the most common teeth to break. Any tooth with a chip or crack can range from mild cosmetic injuries to extensive damages. Deep cracks can reach the root of your teeth that contain nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels and lead to unbearable pain and discomfort; slight cracks can be invisible without any symptoms, and the only way to diagnose them is by taking x-rays during your regular dental visits.

Chips That May Not Require Urgent Treatment: According to professional dental specialists, not all dental cracks are serious enough to warrant urgent treatments. For example, craze lines are the most common dental cracks that occur in the enamel only and don’t require to be repaired immediately.

Chips & Cracks That Should Be Seen by a Professional Dentist: Any time you experience small dental chips, you should visit your dentist. Because there are no effective home remedies to protect against further damage. The sharp edges can cut your tongue and soft tissues, causing more pain and discomfort. It should be noted if you leave these issues untreated, you may require further complex treatments like root canal therapy.

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