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How to Keep a New Year’s Resolution to Quit Drinking

How to Keep a New Year’s Resolution to Quit Drinking

Alcohol Is All Around Us And This Can Make It Hard To Quit. Here Is Some Expert Advice On Quitting Drinking And Staying Ahead.

Every year thousands of us make a New Year’s resolution to stop drinking or using drugs. It is estimated that about 8% of people keep that resolution. The rest of us fall by the wayside within the first couple of weeks of January. If you are determined that you are going to be among the 8%, then we have some vital tips for you, that should help make life easier when it comes to quitting drinking.

Tips for Stopping Drinking in 2022

Try some of the following tips to help you stick to your New Year’s resolution to stop drinking so much in 2022.

Consider a Short Stay in Rehab

Rehab clinics aren’t just for those who are in the deepest, darkest throes of an addiction. When used efficiently, they can treat you before your brewing addiction becomes a problem. A short 7-day stay in a rehab clinic will help you learn tools to avoid drinking too much in future.

You can also take advantage of free offers and deals at rehab clinics to help with the costs. If you choose a rehab program at Verve Health, for example, you get a lifetime’s worth of free aftercare. They will be there for you months or even years into your recovery. It’s worth taking advantage of offers like this to give yourself the best chance at staying off drink or drugs.

Monitor How Much You Drink

If your goal is to cut down drinking rather than stop it entirely, then an online sobriety calculator can help you to work out how much you are drinking. We suggest you start a drinks journal, too. This will help you keep track of exactly how many units you are drinking each week. If it is more than the NHS recommended 14 units, you should seriously think about quitting completely.

Be Persistent

It can take full blown addicts many tries before rehab influences them. The only difference between an alcoholic and an ex-alcoholic is that one didn’t give up on giving up. Be stubborn, keep trying, and don’t worry if you have the odd slip up, as long as you get right back on the wagon.

Join a Support Group

If you don’t have the option to go and see a private counsellor, you can speak to your GP about any local support groups there may be. You could ask for a referral to a psychologist, too, if you think the reasons why you drink may be psychological. If they are, getting to the base causes is the only way you can stop yourself becoming addicted again in the future.

There are lots of support groups out there for addiction and for the mental illnesses which can drive us towards that addiction. If you need help from an addiction support group, you should try to find an AA meeting near you. If you need help with your mindset, try MIND and see your GP.

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