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How to Prepare for a Hip Arthritis Surgery?

How to Prepare for a Hip Arthritis Surgery?

People experience extreme pain and discomfort when their joint becomes inflamed. This is when you go for a diagnosis and to a bone and joint clinic. A hip arthritis surgery performed by a team of professional as well as experienced surgeons at Victoria Bone & Joint – Hip Surgeon in Melbourne will make the joint condition much better. You can make the surgery go smooth and easy by following the below-discussed points before a few days of your hip arthritis surgery.

Lose Body Weight:

If you have excessive body weight, then the doctor might recommend you to lose some weight before the surgery. This will reduce the chances of complications of the surgery. Apart from that, the side effects after the surgery will also be reduced to a great extend if you are able to lose some body weight before the surgery. You can try following a diet and performing some basic exercise in order to lose your body weight. Avoid consuming food products with high calories and fats. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to burn excessive calories and body weight. Drinking a good amount of water will also help you to lose some amount of body weight.

Quit Smoking & Alcohol:

You need to maintain good health a few weeks before the surgery. This is the reason why the surgeon suggests their patients avoid smoking and alcohol. Smoking regularly even during few days before the surgery will adversely affect the blood flow. If you are not being able to quit smoking and drinking, you can take professional help for the same. The process of surgery will become smooth and easier if you are able to quit smoking and drinking. For a faster recovery, you should about the same even after the surgery.

Find An Assistance:

It might be difficult to deal with a hip arthritis surgery without any assistance. You will need someone to take care of and provide essentials during and even the surgery. Make sure that you have someone who can take you to the clinic for regular checkups and for surgery. You will be on bed rest for a few days after the surgery. Therefore, assistance for basic requirements and activities is a must. You can ask your family members, friends, or any close one to be there for you. This will ensure a speedy and comfortable recovery.

Be Calm:

Since people are experiencing pain and are about to have surgery, they often panic. This can have a negative impact on your physical as well as mental health. You must remain calm and keep the faith. Everything is going to be fine after the surgery. In order to keep your mind calm during this period, you must keep doing things that you love. Watch a movie or read a book to keep your mind calm. Perform activities that make you happy and enhances your mood. Doing this will ensure that you are calm and comfortable before, during, and after the surgery.

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