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Some Interesting Facts about Dental Implants

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Nowadays, dental implants are the most popular cosmetic dental process for missing teeth worldwide. When a person loses their teeth, they lose their self-confidence and prefer not to smile in public. So, most people look for a way that mainly solves this problem. Dental implants are popular treatments since they have a natural appearance, restore your natural function for eating and speaking.  But it is not all. According to a specialist performing dental implants in Vancouver, there are some facts about this cosmetic dental process that you may not know. Here in this article, he is explaining some of these interesting and important facts.

What do you know about spaceships? YES, SPACESHIPS. They are made from titanium, just like dental implants. That’s why most dental specialists believe this dental process is similar to a spaceship in dentistry.

Another important fact you should know about this procedure is that the healthier your teeth and gums are, the more successful dental implant surgery you will have. Of course, it doesn’t mean that if you do not have healthy teeth and gums, you cannot go through dental implants surgery. In this case, the dentist will consult you about the ways to improve your oral health condition.

Natural teeth are so sensitive and can be infected and get cavities and gum disease. Then you will have to visit your dentist to help you get rid of this issue. What about implanted teeth? As mentioned above, they are made from titanium, so there won’t be any cavities with them. It is just enough to floss and brush them.

If you are scared of going through surgeries, there is good news for you. Implants’ surgery is not complicated at all. Although this surgery involves implanting a prosthesis into the jaw bone, it is not needed to be scared of it. This cosmetic dental surgery is considered a safe process. Besides, when you refer to a professional dental specialist, they know how to do this procedure so that you feel less pain during and after the surgery.

Recent researches show that those who have more than four or five missing teeth, may get into trouble with disease such as diabetes, and heart disease since not having teeth can negatively affect your eating habits and your healthy diets. Implanted teeth are good replacement options to help you have a healthy diet again. As a result, when you decide to replace your missing teeth with this cosmetic dental process, you reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Before dental implants, dentures were a common way to replace missing teeth. But, there were some problems with them. For example, dentures should be replaced every decade. They are also removable that may seem unpleasant for some patients. In contrast, you can be sure that it will last a lifetime when you have an implanted tooth. And they are fixed false teeth, and there is no problem while eating or talking.

Finally, when you have new false teeth, you look more beautiful and younger. It makes you smile confidently anytime, anywhere.

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