Engaging in Self-Care During COVID-19

Engaging in Self-Care During COVID-19

This past year has been among the most trying times many of us have ever experienced. The threat posed by the novel coronavirus has shaken people the world over to their core and upended our daily lives in a variety of ways. Unsurprisingly, this once-in-a-century pandemic has greatly contributed to many people’s stress levels, leaving us uncertain on what the future holds. In times as troubled as these, self-care is more important than ever. So, if you’ve neglected to provide yourself with the TLC you deserve, there’s no time like the present to correct that mistake.

Getting Vaccinated

When it comes to self-care during COVID-19, getting vaccinated is just about the most effective thing you can do. Not only does receiving a vaccine help protect you from severe and fatal COVID-19 infections, it also contributes to the greater good. The longer millions of Americans refuse to get vaccinated, the worse off our collective public health will be. By doing your part to bring this troubling period to an end, you can provide yourself with peace of mind and set a good example for anyone in your life who’s on the fence about getting vaccinated.

So, unless you have a medical condition that prohibits you from getting vaccinated, make sure to do so at your earliest possible convenience. Since vaccines are readily available free of charge at many medical facilities, clinics and pharmacies, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a place to get your shots. Getting vaccinated is particularly important for individuals who live or work with people who suffer from compromised immunity. Regardless of how concerned you personally are about the (highly likely) prospect of contracting COVID-19, you have no right to place the health of others at risk because of selfishness and/or negligence.

Carving Out Time for Yourself Every Day

Many of us neglect self-care because we simply lack the time for it. Between working, attending to family obligations and tackling other responsibilities, most people’s schedules have very little in the way of free time. If this describes your situation, make an effort to create blocks of leisure time for yourself every day. For example, if you’re a bit of a night owl, consider turning in an hour later than usual and using this extra time to do things that bring you joy. Conversely, if you’re a morning person, getting up an hour earlier than usual can be a great way to provide yourself with a healthy amount of you-time. As you’ll find, setting aside time for self-care on a daily basis can dramatically improve your quality of time.

Taking Part in Relaxing Hobbies

Hobbies can help relax your mind, provide personal fulfillment and even lead to the development of lasting friendships. If mounting stress levels have proven to be a consistent problem throughout this pandemic, consider taking part in hobbies that are conducive to inner calm. Creative endeavors, like writing, drawing and music-making, can give you a sense of accomplishment and help you maintain a collected mindset. Furthermore, trying your hand at deep breathing exercises and meditation can keep you centered and better-equipped to place things in the proper perspective.

Experimenting with Cannabis

When looking for ways to unwind and destress in an increasingly hectic world, cannabis and CBD products can prove tremendously helpful. So, if you live in a state in which recreational cannabis use is legal, you may benefit from experimenting with strains that are known to relieve stress and/or anxiety. For those of us who have little to no experience with cannabis, seeking answers at local dispensaries can provide answers to many important questions. Arizonans who hail from the Phoenix area, for example, are urged to call a Mesa dispensary whenever they have inquiries about anything weed-related.


To call the last 18 months challenging would be an understatement. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic – and millions of people’s jarring lack of concern about said pandemic – scores of Americans have made sweeping changes to their daily lives and suffered in a variety of areas. In addition to being mindful of public health, it’s important for us to prioritize self-care in these difficult times. The more we care for ourselves, the better equipped we are to care for others and face the many challenges that lie ahead with renewed vigor.