Dental Sensitivity: What To Do With It?

Dental Sensitivity: What To Do With It?

Tooth sensitivity is defined as an acute dental pain that is caused by dentin exposure and that appears after contact with seemingly harmless external stimuli such as heat or cold, sweets or acids, or touch, and that cannot be associated with any other type of oral pathology. This type of pain can be quoted as uncomfortable and can range from mild to severe.

The hydrodynamic hypothesis is the one that has received the most support, despite the fact that there is some debate regarding the cause of this pain.

According to this hypothesis, the fluids that are contained within the dentinal tubules undergo changes as a result of changes in temperature, physical state or osmotic pressure. These changes stimulate pressure receptors, which in turn lead to nervous excitation and dental pain.

If you have noticed that eating particular foods or drinking particular cold beverages causes pain in your teeth, this is a sign that you suffer from tooth sensitivity and should seek medical attention.

Tooth sensitivity is a disorder that affects a large percentage of the population, particularly women, and is very common.

If you have dental sensitivity, you should always use toothpaste that is appropriate for it such as Pro Denrx. Keep reading and we will share more advice on how to deal with dental sensitivity.

Why Is Dentin Exposed?

There are some situations in which the dentin of our teeth can be exposed. For example, because of improper oral hygiene practices, such as brushing your teeth too frequently or too vigorously, the enamel on your teeth can become worn down.

Dentin can also be exposed depending on the type of toothbrush you use, so be sure to steer clear of those with bristles that are particularly coarse.

Also, if you have gingivitis or periodontitis, your gums may recede exposing even more dentin. This can be prevented by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly.

Symptoms Of Dental Sensitivity

When we have dental sensitivity, the pain that we feel is always excruciating, but it only lasts for a very brief period of time and only manifests itself when we come into contact with the stimulus that causes the pain.

If the pain that is felt is not detected as a result of contact with an external stimulus or is difficult to locate, it is possible that the cause of the pain is not dental sensitivity but rather another type of pathologies such as dental caries, a fractured tooth, or a deteriorated filling.

The following are some of the steps that can be taken to lessen the impact of dental sensitivity.

Decrease The Amount Of Acid In Your Diet

It is essential in order to manage this pain to decrease the amount of acid in your diet. The enamel on your teeth can be worn down by certain foods, such as citrus or foods that are particularly spicy.

If you do consume them, brush your teeth as soon as possible afterwards to ensure thorough cleaning and to maintain a healthy mouth for as long as possible.

Cut Back On The Number Of Sugary Drinks And Foods

It is also very important to cut back on the number of sugary foods and drinks that you consume. These are products that encourage the growth of bacteria which in turn leads to the deterioration of the gums and the exposure of the more sensitive parts of the teeth.

Because of this, the likelihood of dental problems can be increased.

Stay Away From Drinks And Foods That Are Served Extremely Hot Or Extremely Cold

Foods or drinks that are served extremely hot or extremely cold increase the likelihood of experiencing hypersensitivity.

Brushing Too Vigorously Can Wear Away Your Enamel

If you have a history of tooth sensitivity, brushing too vigorously can cause irritation by wearing away your enamel and making your teeth more sensitive. There are specialized brushes available that do not exert as much pressure and have filaments that are easier on the gums and teeth.

The Bottom Line

As we said before the origin of this discomfort is caused by the dentin, which protects each tooth, losing its natural protection (enamel) and leaving the tooth more exposed to external factors.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that you should not let yourself be swayed by the guidance of everyday individuals because doing so may have an impact on your overall oral health.

People who brush their teeth with lemon or baking soda, for instance, in order to achieve a whiter shade of tooth enamel are one example.

Your teeth will not become whiter from exposure to these products, and instead, they will become more sensitive.

In any case, prior to taking any action, it is essential for you to visit your dentist that will assist you with any problem and will guide you ahead.