How Acunpunture Can Provide Relief For Menopause Symptoms

How Acunpunture Can Provide Relief For Menopause Symptoms

Do You Think You Are Experiencing Menopause Already?

Menopause means the end of menstruation cycles (having periods) in your life. This shift happens naturally at the end of the reproductive years. If you haven’t had any menstrual flow in the last 12 months, you may have reached menopause.

Menopause happens between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average being around 51. Menopause before the age of 40 is referred to as ‘premature menopause,’ while menopause before the age of 45 is referred to as ‘early menopause.’

Symptoms Of Menopause

You may have the following symptoms as a sign of menopause:

  • hot flushes
  • sweating during night
  • pains and aches
  • feelings of crawling or itching beneath the skin
  • forgetfulness
  • headaches
  • irritability
  • low self-esteem
  • tiredness
  • sleeping difficulties and waking up hot and sweaty
  • frequency of urination.

How Acupuncture May Help

In recent years, there has been a widespread movement in society toward alternative or complementary medicines. Acupuncture is at the top of a list of treatments for menopause.

With a long history of advocates, acupuncture has pushed its way closer to mainstream medicine. Acupuncture has been used to treat a variety of illnesses, including chronic pain, epilepsy, and schizophrenia, with different levels of effectiveness.

Here are some symptoms that may be reduced by acupuncture:

Night Sweats And Hot Flushes

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on the yin and yang philosophy, which means that everything is made up of two opposing energies. TCM believes that when these factors are in harmony, the body is healthy.

According to Web MD, a hot flush is “…a sudden feeling of heat and sometimes a red, flushed face and sweating.”

Can Acupuncture Help Ease Your Menopause Symptoms? – Eureka Wellbeing

Acupuncture can help address the hormonal imbalance that causes heat to rise in the body. Doctors recommend patients to maintain a good diet and remain hydrated in addition to acupuncture.


Acupuncture is recommended by the American College of Physicians for those who experience lower back pain.

Acupuncture needles inserted into parts of the body may stimulate the central nervous system. These may help with the aches and pains associated with menopause.

Anxiety And Mood Swings

When our hormones are out of balance, you may feel incredibly irritable.

Acupuncture may provide the calm and tranquillity you have been looking for. Your muscles may feel rested after treatment. By the end of each session, you may feel relaxed and revitalised.

App for Menopause

In relation, here is some exciting news that you might want to know.

The International Women’s Day in 2022 celebrated with a theme called ‘breaking the bias.’

Researchers at Monash University’s Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation have chosen to ‘break the silence’ on early menopause by releasing a new evidence-based app for women called Ask Early Menopause.

The app is about women’s stories, evidence-based information, some animation, and a customised dashboard to help women manage early menopause. It was developed by women for women.


While acupuncture may not make your menopausal symptoms go away, it may provide you with a treatment to address the changes in your body.

Find a practitioner who will be concerned with your medical ailments and also your mental and emotional state. This will help in navigating an otherwise difficult life transition when you reach menopause.